Friday, November 30, 2012

Working with Leather

Earlier in the year I braided a short-fork martingale for my saddle out of some heavy cord. It didn't hold up well and the other day when I hauled my saddle out of the back seat, I noticed the cord was frayed and breaking. I had some leather left over from making Dave's holster, so I sliced off a strip and played around with it for a bit, and then (using the hardware from my broken one) I put together this nice little piece.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out. It's sturdy but not heavy, and the leather isn't stiff at all. It will be a terrific addition to my set-up. I really enjoy making and repairing my own gear. Maybe I can make a few more to sell or give as gifts!

And in case you wonder where exactly the horse wears this item, here's a helpful picture.  See it there, between the breast collar and the reins? It helps smooth the action of the reins while I learn to keep quiet hands, and helps Imp keep his head in the right position so he can collect himself into a nice round, easygoing gait.

This is not my horse. It's just a pic I found on the internet.

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